Waitrose - UAE Grocery Deliver

Waitrose - UAE Grocery Deliver

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Winter Eton mess pots

  • Serves 4
  • 30 minutes

Winter Eton mess pots

30 minutes
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
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Put the frozen fruit, cloves, pared orange zest and sugar in a large saucepan. Set over a medium-high heat and cook, shaking the pan from time to time, for 8-12 minutes or until the fruit is defrosted and any juices have bubbled and thickened into a syrupy sauce; set aside to cool completely.


When ready to serve, mix the yoghurt, cinnamon and vanilla in a mixing bowl. Stir through almost all of the meringue.


Remove the cloves and orange zest from the fruit. Spoon the yoghurt mixture and fruit into small glasses or bowls, lightly rippling them together. Sprinkle with the reserved meringue and serve immediately.

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